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We Are Makers

Edition Ten

Edition Ten

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Marking 5 years for We Are Makers our tenth edition is packed full of amazing makers and their inspiring stories. 

Delve into the worlds of a hyperrealism artist from Toluca, Mexico, a printmaker from Ibadan, Nigeria, an artisan specialising in handcrafted eyewear from Bangkok, Thailand, and a carver and letter cutter from Hampshire, UK and so much more. 

With this milestone edition We Are Makers continues its mission to illuminate the lives and crafts of extraordinary artisans, bringing their unique stories and incredible work right to your doorstep. Experience the beauty of their work and their journeys through the high-quality pages of our independent print magazine.

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We Tell Makers Stories.

Over the last 5 years we have told the stories of 382 makers from 41 different countries around the world. From ceramists in the UK to saddle makers in the US, and creative collectives in Japan, our magazine celebrates the rich diversity and creativity of artisans worldwide. 


We talk to some of the makers we featured five years ago in edition one and ask them about the things they have learned along their journey over the last five years. 

We ask questions like "What has the cost of perseverance been to you? and "what is the most challenging thing you have faced in the past years in your creative business?". We ask these questions to give you an insight into the trials and triumphs of being an independant maker and if you are a maker maybe some comfort knowing you are not alone. 


Awe Inspiring Work. 

Don't just stop at reading these amazing makers stories, see their work for yourself. At We Are Makers we carefully curate each edition to give equal weight to the power of a makers story and the beauty of their work.

Each section is not only packed with the makers words and wisdom but with beautiful high qualty images of their work for you to enjoy. 

The Format.

We choose print as our format to share the stories of these inspiring makers to offer you a chance to switch of from today digital world and truley appreciate those who make. Each edition is a stand alone coffee table magazine fit for any lover of creativity.  


We Are Makers in the Wild

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The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product